As I sit here I could find a million excuses as to why not to write today including these:
-computer is too fickle to work with
-no Word program
-the kitty litter amongst other things needs to be cleaned
-the extra weight I've put on around my middle beckons to be exercised off
-I haven't gotten ready for the day
-etc, etc, etc.
However, I proceed on and continue this post because what I think most important for me right now is to get out how I'm doing.
There seems to be a lot of things going on in my life right now. Especially BIG life changes that I'm not so sure I can/want to handle. I prefer to have a normal scheduled day with predictable outcomes but I also love to live each day to it's fullest. Hence I have new and exciting changes happening all around me.
For example:
-my daughter is graduating high school :-() in 6 days
-said daughter is starting college this summer, in 4 weeks (plus we are having her grad party the day before we move her out)
-same daughter is moving out of our nest...
-I have officially given my 28 day notice at my job and am frightened to death (more to come on that huge piece of news and chapter in my life)
-my son is going to start driver's ed this summer
-my husband was offered an opportunity of a lifetime and going forward with that decision (more on that in a future post)
Ugh more than ever I need this blog as an outlet to vent all that is ever-changing around me.
Thankfully I am working on spending more time relying on my relationship with Christ to help me get through my days. I cannot even imagine us doing any of this on our own. In fact recently I read from Lysa and her team at who is developing an app called "First Five". It's a bible devotional app for your phone basically giving God the first 5 minutes of your day will help transform your day drastically. They're in the works of fundraising for this app to get it off the ground and running smoothly for when they plan to unveil this summer. Check out more here The app will be available for free for anyone interested.
HOW WONDERFUL RIGHT! Either way I think this app will help remind me what to focus on before my feet even touch the floor each day. Amen to Lysa and her team!
This feels good to be able to organize my thoughts today. Thanks for listening.