Jan 27, 2015

3 Things to Know About a Cervical Check + Vaginal Exam

When I started my profession as an obstetrical nurse back in May of 2013, one of the most difficult things I had to do was check cervical dilation on a laboring patient.
I was so dumbfounded that I didn't even know where, or what the cervix felt like.
I am writing this post for the new OB nurse so she/he can understand that every nurse has to start somewhere.  And it's okay to not know or feel comfortable with every aspect of the job.

I uploaded 3 new videos on youtube to help the new nurse with the following three areas:
Click here for video

Click here for video

Click here for video

The reason I created these videos was because when I started out there wasn't many resources especially instructional videos explaining how to check the cervix.
I think I would have benefited from watching these videos.  Which is why I am helping to benefit the new nurse who may be feeling the same way.

My top 3 pieces of advice would be as follows:

1) If you don't know something admit that to who you're talking to whether it's your preceptor, fellow nurse, or doctor (eck maybe even the patient :-).  DON'T GUESS, because those working around you with much more experience know a ton more and usually know when you don't feel confident.
You're not pulling the wool over anyone's eyes when you think and act like you know more than you really do.  It's OKAY not to feel confident at first.

2) Communicate and talk openly to those you are working with at all times.  If you're not sure if you've even found the cervix then explain in detail what you feel.
Most times the experienced nurse can walk you through whether what you're feeling is cervix or not simply by what you're explaining to them.  Also, the more detail the better.  Don't feel embarrassed, this is the profession you chose, feel proud of what you are doing and learning along the way.

3) Practice practice practice!  You must practice if you want to get good and feel confident at what you're doing.  What's the old saying The Great Wall wasn't built over night or was that the Pyramids??  Either way, I would suggest to practice and ask to check as many patient's cervix as you can.  This shows your preceptor that you're willing to do the hard work to become a great OB nurse.

Overall relax, take one day at a time, one obstacle/cervical check/ vaginal exam at a time.  Do your best to pace your learning and try not to get overwhelmed.  When you start to feel that way be honest and tell your preceptor.  Also find a buddy at work who is willing to listen to you vent.  If you want to leave a comment below, I'm always willing to help when I can.

Take care and keep going, don't give up!  You chose and were chosen for this job, so buck up, learn as much as you can each day, and march forward in confidence!

Jan 17, 2015

Hand Lettered Week 2/52 Challenge - Summer Love List

A few weeks ago I was reading one of my favorite bloggers, instagrammers, and youtuber named Kate Bryan at The Small Things Blog.  She wrote on her instagram account about starting a 52 week handwriting lettering challenge she found from another blogger named Miranti at Pen + Peplum.
And I was immediately curious and interested to jump on board and start the challenge as well.

The writing prompt for week one was to paint a word, a mantra or your focus for the new year 2015.
Miranti suggested using a #1 round tip watercolor brush + watercolor.  I have numbered brushes I use for nailart designs but I didn't have watercolors. Instead I used a dark pigmented shade of e.l.f eyeshadow and came up with the word Courageous.  I figured this word encapsulated the writing prompt perfectly, given my new adventures as a blogger and youtuber.

The second week writing prompt started on Monday January 12th and it was to paint your summer love list.  Miranti explained "summer has always been about long, lazy days, cold drinks, backyard bbqs, fresh seafood and easy, floating summer dresses". She also suggested using #0 flat watercolor brush + watercolor.  
Since I really wanted to get involved with this challenge I went out and bought some Crayola watercolors and compiled my list, sunshine, walking, barefoot, vacation, birdies chirping, and watermelon.  
Check out my youtube video describing all about it.  My video explains my reasoning why I love all these things about summer :-)

Jan 16, 2015

Dental Appointment + Dog Park

Today I had a dental cleaning and I started my day off worrying about going in.
First I called two hours prior to the appointment time to see if I could reschedule, like I've done the past two cleanings.  But to no avail the office staff told me I needed 24 hours notice otherwise I would be financially penalized.  Well forget that!
Unfortunately my teeth are in horrible condition. I don't have a money tree in the backyard to afford all the work needed to be done in one calendar year. With that being said, I have seen my fair share of the dentist throughout my life and cleanings are no different.
I swear most times the hygienist spends her time proving a point that I should floss more and how much can she make my mouth hurt.  hahahahahahahaha...

Well well well today was remarkable different.  My hygienist, Stephanie, did a fabulous job and she made me laugh while cleaning, polishing, scraping, and flossing my teeth.  You can watch my youtube video all about it here.  However maybe my view on dental cleanings have changed as I've gotten older.  And pale in comparison to the root canals.
Stan (my border collie) and I met up with my son after school and we all traveled to the dog park.  Despite a little run-in/attack with another dog who was highly aggressive towards Stan, we had a good time.  BORDER COLLIES = HIGH ENERGY

Lastly and by far most importantly, I started my Kayla Itsines workout program called Bikini Body Guide.  This program goes for 12 weeks and it's a little bit of plyo, jump & resistance training.  Each workout is under 30 minutes and they target problem areas.  I've been following her on instagram @kayla_itsines and I purchased her guide from her website which is https://www.kaylaitsines.com/guides.
She is amazingly brilliant, beautiful, inspiring, and enjoyable to follow.  I look forward to summer and feeling good about showing off my sculpted body.  Hahaha or at least that's what's motivating me forward;-)

Jan 15, 2015

Weekend at Mom and Dads + Mom post stroke

Welcome to my slice of the internet aka my blog livelyrachelanne. Where I can let down my hair and spill my guts on things happening in my life.
First I'll start off by writing about the most recent happening in my life which has to do with my mom, Pam.

About one month ago on Christmas day I called my mom on the telephone and spoke for a little while and thought she didn't sound quite right.  Come to find out, she suffered from two massive strokes. The next day my older sister, Karla, took my mom the the hospital and that's when we found out that my mom's right carotid artery was 100% blocked and her left one was 90% blocked.  She had suffered a few transient ischemic attacks (TIA) similar to a stroke where blood flow is stopped to the brain, but only briefly. Some of the tias were recent and a couple were older.  Either way something had to be done.
She was scheduled to have an endarterectomy on January 20th to allow her brain to heal a bit before surgery.  But the docs moved the date of the surgery up sooner to the 8th, after noticing more tias while my mom was in the hospital/rehab.
Don't let this picture fool you, she wasn't feeling well at all

I recorded a youtube video here so you can see how I handled things in the first few days.

It's crazy because no one prepares you on how to take care of your parents after a life-changing event like this.
As I write this post, my mom has arrived back home today and she is doing okay.  After I rearranged and organized a bit around her house, she has called a couple times asking where I put things.  I don't blame her:-)

"After" Organized in boxes

"After" I can see the dinning room again!

I'm grateful and thankful God has gotten her home and she is feeling better. I'm grateful my mom worked hard at PT/OT/and speech therapy to be given the okay to leave rehab.  And I'm happy her speech and scattered thinking has gotten better.

I'm going to visit my mom this weekend and come back and post an update!