Feb 17, 2015

How to Locate and Find the Cervix

One of the hardest things I had to learn when I first became an Obstetrics Nurse was how to locate and find the cervix.  This was difficult because until you find it, you're always in a state of guessing or thinking you're close to it.

The vaginal wall is very strong (being a muscle and all) but can be easily mistaken for the cervix depending on how far you advance your fingers.  And just like the cervix you can stretch and move the vaginal wall and really believe you're at the cervix.

BUT, unlike the cervix that has a thinner wall all the way around it that feels like when you poke your finger through a deflated water balloon hole, the vaginal wall does not.

If any of this sounds confusing or right on to you beginner OB nurses, go ahead and watch my video that explains more.

And if any of you are wondering how to check for dilation, station, or effacement check out my other post here

Feb 12, 2015

Hand Lettered Challenge Week 5/52 - Places to Visit

This week's hand lettered challenge prompt is places to visit.  This hand lettered challenge comes from a blogger named Miranti at www.penandpeplum.com

Oftentimes I think I would love to travel. I'll read an article or listen to someone's story about their experience overseas to another country.  I think I'd love to go there and do that.  But then they mention what they ate and immediately I become ill just thinking about their food options.  I'm not a big fan of exploring different food tastes or meals.  I'm too picky!  I would have to travel somewhere inside the US where American cooking is available.

I have 5 beautiful and wonderful places I've painted in this week's video you can watch below to find out more of each location.  And maybe if I ever overcome my fear of eating different foods, I may just visit them.

Thanks for watching and reading and we'll see you next time,
Rachel Anne

Hand Lettered Challenge Week 4/52 - Recall a Summer Memory

This week's hand lettered challenge is to recall a summer memory.  This comes from a blogger by the name of Miranti from www.penandpeplum.com.

Just keep in mind that I have plenty of summer memories and the one I talk about in my video down below is the one that stands out most recently.  Or at least it did when I started filming the video.

I wish there was a way for you all to hit a button and instantaneously feel the warmth from the sun on a bright sunny day.  It's not like I'm implying you all live in caves but when winter lasts longer than almost all 3 other seasons combined here in Wisconsin I sometimes forget that awesome feeling.
And as this winter continues I'm in need of warmth either from sun or temperature to bring me happiness real soon!!

Enjoy more of my explanation of my summer memory by clicking the video below:

Have a great day and we'll see you next time,
Rachel Anne

Feb 2, 2015

Early Valentine's Day

This year I have to work on Valentine's Day, actually the whole weekend to be exact. I wasn't so happy about missing out on one of the most romantic manufactured holidays of the year.

So Jason and I celebrated early on the 31st of January.  It was fun and exciting and romantic. We just did a bunch of things we like to do together anyway all in one day and called it good.  

You can click on the picture below to watch the short video I made about our special date.

First Jason surprised me by drawing a fun spring time picture on my bathroom mirror so when I got off work Friday morning I would see it.

Then the following day was our date night.  I got myself all dressed up in what else...a dress. And I happened to walk past this cool striped wall at the hotel and couldn't resist taking a picture in front of it.

Then it was off to dinner, yum we ate at my favorite restaurant in Marshfield.
Afterwards we picked up dessert at my favorite bakery called 2-1/2 Cups Cupcakery.  We purchased a 6 pack of cupcakes, flavors are as follows top to bottom and from left to right:  Bacon and Maple, Dark Chocolate Cherry, Oreo, Salted Butterscotch, M&M, and Reese's PB Cup
Talk about a sextuple-yum!!!

Then we splashed around in the steaming outdoor hot tub at Hotel Marshfield. And I gotta say is worth doing especially when the temperature is 17 degrees Fahrenheit and there's snow all over the ground!

Lastly we warmed up by cuddling close and watching our favorite Netflix show called House of Cards.  I love this show!

I love my hubby more and more and more each year, especially when we have many common interests.
What kind of fun things do you all have planned for Valentine's Day this year?